Meet Max Gavin
Are you looking for a guide who is fun, great looking, informative, and has a ton of enthusiasm to share? If Yes, then Max is the perfect guide for you.
By the end of his tour you will know a ton of unique and new interesting facts to share. Max is a Florida native who loves sharing facts about his home state. And if you catch him on a nighttime bioluminescence tour, he is full of knowledge about the stars and planets out there in the night skies.
Get to know the Marvelous Max!
Max is from a small town of Parrish, Florida. Parrish is in Manatee, County on the west coast of Florida near Venice and Bradenton. An interesting tidbit about Max and his hometown is that it was named for a man called Crawford Parrish, who settled the town in the late 1800s along the Manatee River. Parrish later moved to Oak Hill, Florida and lived along the bank of the Indian River. Oak Hill, just north of Titusville along the Indian River is where BK Adventure and Max launch our kayaks to see manatees today! Coincidence, or what?!
Guide Life:
In July of 2018 he joined the crew of BK Adventure. Max’s favorite part of guiding with us is being able to show people the wild side of Florida and meeting adventurers from all around the world. Florida typically has 102.3 million domestic visitors, 10.7 million overseas visitors and 3.5 million Canadian visitors coming to the Sunshine State! Max sure does get a chance to meet many people from all over including Canada, Germany, France, England and Italy! Wow!
Max is very knowledgeable and he once told us about this incredible 1,300 mile long hiking/biking trail! This trail covers the WHOLE state of Florida! The trail is called “The Florida National Scenic Trail,” better known as the Florida Trail. It is a federally-designated, non-motorized recreation trail that meanders across some of the most beautiful, unique landscapes in the entire country. It is a must see and do! Check it out: https://www.fs.usda.gov/fnst
Love for Nature:
Max’s favorite bird to see while kayaking is The Great Blue Heron is the largest and most widespread heron in North America. Max loves the Great Blue Heron because of its beautiful plumes and funny squawk. Blue Heron’s are tall. They stand 3 to 4.5 feet high. In flight, the bird looks huge, with a six-foot wingspan. Absolutely incredible!
Stay in Touch:
BK Adventure is known for staying in touch with guests throughout the years and we love sharing videos or pictures of theirs on all our Social Media Platforms! Be sure to visit our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Youtube to keep in touch with your favorite guides!
Our guides sure do love their consistent 5 star reviews! If you would like to leave a review about Max, he would love to hear from you. Just click this link and share your words of kindness with him!
Want to learn more? Join one of our tours! A Handy dandy tip from Max himself would be to bring bug spray and be prepared to go with the flow.
Check us out: https://www.bkadventure.com/what-to-do-florida/